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The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes: a case of London Underground or The impact of enterprise social media on University Alumni Association in a developing country or developed country)

The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes: a case of London Underground or The impact of enterprise social media on University Alumni Association in a developing country or developed country)

The Management Research Project – M.Sc. Level – Management Consultancy and Organizational Change.

The MRP consists of 2 elements:

1 The Research Proposal with Literature Review (25% of total marks)

2 The Research Report with a Progressive Learning Review (75% of total marks)


Students to identify, analyze and investigate a work-based problem or issue preferably within their own organization, using techniques and knowledge from the MSc programme they have enrolled in.

My Choice Organizations:

  • A University Alumni Association (in a developing country PREFERABLY or developed country; Pseudonymised?) OR
  • London Underground Limited

Choice Topic:

Topic: The impact of enterprise social media on employee outcomes: a case of London Underground or The impact of enterprise social media on University Alumni Association in a developing country or developed country)

Aim: Companies are increasingly investing in so-called enterprise social networking services (ESNS) that are reported to facilitate more effective private communication within organizations. This study attempts to explore the impact of Yammer on knowledge sharing, employee connectivity and decision-making in the context of London Underground. This aim is attained through qualitative and quantitative investigation.

Source: Pee, L. (2018) “Affordances for sharing domain-specific and complex knowledge on enterprise social media”, International Journal of Information Management, 43 (1), pp. 25-37.

The above will ensure a practical focus on a real business issue of importance in either organizations for which I will need to develop suitable recommendations. It will then provide an opportunity to demonstrate value from this M.Sc. course to these organisations, as well as an opportunity to practice and develop my consulting skills.



You need to obtain Ethics approval from your tutor BEFORE you start data collection (i.e. before you issue any surveys or carry out any interviews). Collecting data without Ethical approval will result in a failed project and your MRP will not be marked!

  • Your project needs to be designed in accordance with the BPS Code Of Human Research Ethics (link below). Make sure you read the code before completing the form.
  • If you are conducting internet research you need to read the AiIR guidelines before completing the form (Ethical decision-making and Internet research 2.0)

An Ethics Form template can be downloaded via the link below. Please complete the form and submit it directly to your tutor for review FIRST. Please also ensure you enclose the relevant attachments (e.g. details of proposed survey, interview questions, consent form, information sheet).

Only once your ethics form is approved and signed by your tutor, should you then upload the signed form via the submission link in the Assessment section on Moodle – you can then begin data collection.

You should get your Ethics Form approved by your tutor as soon as possible – you can start the process early, and refine the Ethics Form following feedback on your proposal.

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