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“EXPATRIATES REPATRIATED: Planned Career Choices or Downfall”

Rewriting of the attached Research Proposal
Qualitative Research Proposal – full in its structure (as per attached table of content) for academic Phd level, approx. 15,000 words:
1. Latest Literature review on Career Cycle, with a focus on repatriation (from academia, international organizations’ reports and studies) – capturing the above 4 points
2. Methodology description (around 150 people from various contractual models will be interviewed). Limitations etc.
3. Sample questionnaire as part of the interviews with various staff members (expatriates from various non-profit organizations, bilaterals, unilaterals) – this is to be part of the methodology (as an annex)
The current paper needs to be improved. It is currently on a super shallow written level.
in terms of:
1. format and contents (the order shall be as defined in the second part of the second attachment “Format for Proposal…), table of content has to be exactly kept as described, formatting of chapters, some are with numbers, some are in the center etc, and some required fields are missing). For example, What’s the purpose of this research, what’s the problem statement, what are the methods – in detail, what are the limitations…
2. Quality!!! And Flow of the sharpness (as per evaluation criteria given – also attached and described in first part “Format for proposal…”)
3. Questionnaire, and interview method and observation methods as annexes have to be produced and attached attached. Nothing is there
4. Reference list was supposed to be in APA style
Please see the attached paper – for the writer to follow. (2 documents: 1 – your original draft, and 2- the short guidelines with given headings and table of Contents as well evaluation criteria’s for the research proposal).

Here are some guiding questions to think of and consider during the writing process, as a food for thought for the writer:
– Why it is difficult for international development organizations (who work through expatriates abroad in the developing countries) to apply complete career cycle, in particular when theory on repatriation is so difficult to implement
– Is there difference for organizations in career planning (starting from recruitment) between permanent employees and short term (2-3 years)
– What does literature and theory suggest on the benefits for repatriated staff? Is that a reality?
– What systems and how organizations can use/apply to improve the repatriation cycle and enhance career growth of their employees
– Do expatriates feel happier within their career path and job fulfillment when/if they re-patriate? Does it make sense at all or should there be a different model (eg. deployment from country to country vs. from assignment in country to assignment home to again country abroad etc.)

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