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Research report on a correlational study

This assignment is a research report on a correlational study. This research report builds on your previous assessment, 2 – Writing the Report Introduction. Assessment 2 will now become the Introduction section of this research report. You may choose to revise all or part of the Introduction, based on the feedback you have received from the marker.

The research report must be written according to APA formatting guidelines. O’Shea and McKenzie (2013) provide guidance on the structure that is required. You will be provided with data from 20 participants (10 male and 10 female) who completed surveys on well-being and personality. Both descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (correlations) will be used in your report. You will be required to calculate the mean and standard deviation for this data and also interpret the correlations between subjective well-being and personality. Please note you are not required to calculate the correlations, but you will need to interpret the correlations. Following this, you are then required to write up and discuss the results.

Full details and instructions for the report, calculating, and interpreting the descriptive statistics and correlations are provided below in files.
The following readings will assist in understanding report writing, descriptive statistics and correlations:

Chapter 2: Research in Psychology from your text Bernstein et al. (2018)
Chapter 20: Statistics in Psychological Research (Please note: this is an online resource available through the Cengage Coursemate website) from your text: Bernstein et al. (2018).
Chapter 2: Writing reports from: O’Shea, R. P. & McKenzie, W. (2013). Writing for Psychology (6th ed.). Melbourne, VIC: Cengage.
Chapter 17 Correlations (pp. 341-358 and page 452) from: Tropper, R. (1998). The interpretation of data : An introduction to statistics for the behavioral sciences. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
Appendix B Statistical Methods (pp. A7-A14) from: Weiten, W. (2017). Psychology: Themes and variations (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.

Submit assessment tasks as Word documents (please do not submit as PDF files).

General formatting:

Length should be 1800 words maximum [ +/- 10% of the max. word limit applies]. This includes in-text references but excludes your reference list (i.e., your reference list does not count towards the word limit).
Follow the title page template available below.
Use page numbers, at the top of the page and flushed to the right.
Running head should also be at the top of the page and flushed to the left. Please note that the running head for the title page, is different to the rest of the assessment. Check the template provided on your Interact2 site.
Use commonly used font (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri) in 12 point throughout the assessment.
New paragraphs should be clearly demarcated with an indented first line. No extra space is needed between paragraphs.
Start the reference list on a new page. The title “References” should be in upper and lower case centred and NOT bold or underlined.
All your reference entries should follow APA formatting guidelines ( please see O’Shea and McKenzie’s (2013) text and the CSU APA referencing guides provided here: http://student.csu.edu.au/library/integrity/referencing-at-csu).
The reference list must match all the in-text references used in the body of your assessment.

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