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Compare the alternative policies. Identify consequences and constraints involved in each of the alternatives.

Compare the alternative policies. Identify consequences and constraints involved in each of the alternatives.


The final integrative essay is a “Social Policy Position” paper. In it, you may expand or update a particular part of the course material, or a related social policy approved by the instructor. The final essay takes the place of a final exam.

The Final Integrative Essay has a value of 250 points

The policy position paper is to deal with a substantive social policy issue and any major trends and challenges facing nonprofits with its implementation.

For specific content and format questions related to the Final Integrative Essay, please click on the Grading and Rubrics tab in this course frame.


The final integrative essay is a “Social Policy Position” paper. In it, you may expand or update a particular part of the course material, or a related social policy approved by the instructor. The final essay takes the place of a final exam.

The policy position paper is to deal with a substantive social policy issue and any major trends and challenges facing nonprofits with its implementation.

Format for the Social Policy Position Paper.

Background of the Social Policy Issue.

Statement of the issue or problem.

History of developments leading up to the issue/problem.

Actors/stakeholders involved in the policy issue.

Current status of the issue and its impact on the nonprofit sector.

Policy Alternatives.

A list and describe all significant positions (not simply one or two alternatives or a proposal and its opposite).

Compare the alternative policies. Identify consequences and constraints involved in each of the alternatives. Consequences and constraints might be political, economic, environmental, social, including such factors affecting the nonprofit sector.

Your Recommendations.

The rationale and supporting argument(s) for your recommendations.

Summary or conclusion of the Social Policy Position paper.

Technical Requirements for the Social Policy Position paper.

The policy position paper should be 12-15 single-spaced pages (12 point type), inclusive of end-notes and references.

The Title portion of the position paper is to include the policy subject, your name, and the identification of the class by name, number, term and date (e.g. Social Policy and Community Services, PA 542, Spring, 2010). It may be separate page or the top one-third of the first page.

Headings should be used throughout the paper, following or paraphrasing the Format indicated above. The headings preferably will include all of items in the format, but at minimum the three overall sections.

All pages are to be numbered, including End-notes and References.

Students of HSPA’s Master of Public Affairs (MPA) and Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), in all PA prefix courses, are expected to be familiar with and follow consistently the Turabian: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations- Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (8th Edition) accepted norms for overall writing guidelines, including all citations, reference pages and title pages. Students should specifically use the Turabian (Author-Date) Style for all citations. Examples of the Turabian (Author-Date) Style are located through the Turabian Quick Guide: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (select the “Author-Date” tab), with more specifics in Chapters 18 and 19 of the actual Turabian Manual.

Any clarifications about the above may be addressed to the instructor in an email.


DiNitto, D.M., Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy Allyn & Bacon. 2011.

Salamon, Lester M. 2002. The State of Nonprofit America. Washington D.C. Brookings Institute.

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