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Develop solutions to current problems and issues in healthcare.

To develop solutions to current problems and issues in healthcare. The project may have a business, IT or health sciences focus but must include the healthcare component as a foundation.
A project proposal will be completed and submitted by ____. The project proposal should be 7-10 pages in length and follow the guidelines as defined below.

You should include a title page, at least five pages of written material on your topic, a bibliography or reference list.
The proposal paper should consist of the following sections:

A. Introduction
B. Procedure (or Methodology)
C. Conclusion

A. Introduction:

The introduction should clearly state the specific objectives of your project. The introduction will summarize the problem, give an idea of the type of intervention and offer a proposal of the outcome of the project. This statement should be in some detail, and state what you intend to accomplish..

You should identify and discuss the most important books, articles, or other sources that relate to your project. The review should provide a sense of critical issues and debates which form the background for your work.

You will have your own unique way to explore the research and you should strive to show that you are not merely asserting your approach to your selected problem based on opinion, politics or personal view, but that there is a well-documented trend or developed research that supports your idea. One of the purposes of the literature review is to establish your expertise on the issue or problem on which you are working – which will stand or fall based on the quality of the research you cite.

B. Body/Procedure (Methodology)

The procedure or methodology is the heart of the proposal. It should identify how you propose to carry out your project. It should also convince your faculty advisor and/or company mentor that you clearly understand your task, have a logical time plan for solving the issues, and have identified all the resources you need. You may want to consider the tasks you will have to achieve, the materials you will need, data that are needed and how the data will be collected, the methods or processes that will be used to analyze the data, and the time frame or milestones in the project
C. Conclusion
Present your hopes and predictions for the project and request approval of your proposal. Provide information on benefits from the outcome of this project/research and what you hope to gain from the course and experience.

D. Bibliography or Reference List
See the information in section E on requirements for citing references using APA style.
Proposal Paper Guidelines
1. Papers should have margins TBLR (top, bottom, left right) of one inch and the paper should be set at double spacing. The Font should be Times New Roman with a font size of 12. Include a Bibliography of your sources. If you list a web site please include the complete URL so it can be checked. In other words it must be the complete URL not just the home page of a website.
2. For your bibliography and citations use APA style. You have access to EndNote, as presented in the library orientation, which can assist in formatting citations in APA style. Please refer to the “Concise Rules of APA Style handbook 6th ed. or the style guide is readily available online.
3. Cite sources in your paper such as: (Author(s), year) i.e. (Smith, Jones, Allen, 2008). If there are multiple authors separate them in your cite with a comma and a space. The second time you cite the same source you may use (Smith, et al, 2008).
These are what I will be graded on:
Research Proposal
• Aesthetics and grammar – 20 points
• Attention to research topic – 20 points
• Effectiveness/completeness of content – 30 points
• Contribution and what you add to the discussion – 30 points

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