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Ethnography: Malibu Hindu Temple, California- Write a research paper on a non-Western religion that is on HINDUISM.

Ethnography: Malibu Hindu Temple, California


  • A 5-page+ ethnographic field research paper on a non-Western religion that is on HINDUISM. The ethnography should include the 5-page main body of writing, plus appendices, endnotes, and references cited.
  • The point of the ethnography project is for you to experience anthropology by participating in and observing an unfamiliar religion in its culture context, and by applying anthropological field research methods to collect data. This includes at least one visit to Malibu Hindu Temple at least two interviews with two different people.

o Participation may include services, a visitor’s tour, a religious festival, or a life passage ceremony (e.g.: wedding, funeral, baptism, etc.).

  • All the information re. the project are in the ETHNOGRAPHY FOLDER section of the TT course page. Review the folder ASAP & start thinking now of a religion you wish to investigate.. The files describe the assignment and its required components and criteria (see the COURSE MAP below for the Folder contents).
  • The data from your paper should be from your fieldwork experience, interviews, plus a minimum of at least two academic archival sources: books published by university presses or articles from academic journals WITHIN THE PAST 5 YEARS.
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