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Analyse primary and secondary research gathered to then plan a sustainable fashion range available for delivery on 4th February 2019 in 25 UK stores.

You will analyse primary and secondary research gathered to then plan a sustainable fashion range (using the template on Moodle) available for delivery on 4th February 2019 in 25 UK stores. The range can be either men’s wear or women’s wear and you are to decide to create the fashion range for either River Island, Top Shop or Oasis. (Prefer Topshop womenswear)
You must submit an individual portfolio (further details are included in the Extended Brief on Moodle and in week 1 lecture notes) in support of the fashion range plan to include the following:
 KPI Plan.
 OTB breakdown.
 SWOT of chosen retailer’s current collection.
 Market research: comparative shop (refer to template under Essential Unit Info on Moodle) and
 EDITED research.
 Trend research.
 Customer research.
 Supplier analysis.
 Allocation plan.
 Visual plan/planogram.
– floorplan
The portfolio will also include a 2,500-word analysis in support of the decisions made in planning the range. Any additional details please email or sms me, ask me if you need my moodle account and password.

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