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Measurement in Human Resource (HR) Analytics

Measurement Assignment

HR Analytics

Please read the Scenario and the Instructions very carefully and write your response Professionally in answer to the Scenario, based on the Instructions. Also, provide at least 6 references. This must be a minimum of 2 pages, not including the reference or an abstract page.

Scenario: Centrex Pharmaceuticals invests heavily in developing a customer service culture given its business relies on the direct sales of its products by full-time sales representatives. Centrex is a multinational company with fifty subsidiary locations across the globe. Each year, it administers an annual survey that assesses a number of variables, including employee engagement, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, etc. to get a “pulse” on its workforce. However, the company currently has no way of assessing sales representatives’ perceptions of their subsidiary companies’ climates for customer service, which would be useful to determining whether representatives in more service-oriented locations are more engaged, satisfied, and productive and whether locations with stronger service climates are more financially profitable. Such a measure would also be useful to identifying subsidiary locations that are not emphasizing customer service as much as they should be. Service climate can be defined as “the degree to which an organization stresses meeting customer needs and expectations for service quality” (Schneider, White, & Paul, 1998) and is reflected in the actions of senior leaders, formal policies and procedures, and training initiatives that emphasize customer satisfaction.

Instructions: Based on this definition of customer service climate, develop a pool of items (at least eight) that assess this variable and that could be evaluated for their reliability and validity. In addition to listing your items, discuss how you went about developing them (i.e., the process you followed) based on our discussion of survey and measurement principles.

Read the Scenario and the Instructions very carefully and write your response Professionally in answer to the Scenario, based on the Instructions. Also, provide at least 6 references. This must be a minimum of 2 pages, not including the reference or an abstract page.

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