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Demonstrate awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development.

Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School
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MSc 2 Years Programme
Module Code:
NX9740 and LD9740
Module Title:
Distributed on:
Teaching Week 1 (via the e-learning portal)
Submission Time and Date:
13th May 2019 – Before12:00 noon
Word Limit:
4000 Words reflective portfolio
This coursework accounts for 100% of the total mark for this module.
Students are required to achieve a mark of 50% or above, to pass this module. This Module is Pass/Fail
Submission of Assessment
Assignment must be submitted electronically online via Turnitin by the given deadline. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the submission deadline stated above. See the University policy on late submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below).
This assignment will not be marked anonymously. You must write your name and organisation on your assignment.
Instructions on Assessment:
For this assessment you are required to demonstrate in reflective portfolio (4000-words) your development from the perspective of gaining particular skills relating to employability and being employment prepared, engagement in further self-development from the perspective of employment potentially in a new or international context and further demonstration of cultural and ethical awareness through broader experience of working in a cultural diverse groups and teams via this internship opportunity. This will be achieved through the completion of the following tasks:
1- Finding an internship: This is worth 10% of overall marks – approx 500 words.
In this task explain how you secured your internship.
Areas which can be covered include:
 How you decided on what internship to accept.
 What locations did you consider.
 Types of companies you applied to.
 How proactive you were in the application process.
 Reflection on the assessment activities.
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2- Progress Report & Relationships with company employees and what you have done to integrate positively: This is worth 10% of overall marks – approx 500 words.
In this task explain what you have done to date. You should specifically report on your progress so far and should cover what you have experienced during your internship, and how these experiences have helped your development. In this task you have to show a reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
Areas which can be covered include:
 Student’s work responsibilities
 Activities the student is involved in
 Initiative and creativity
 Problems encountered (and how these were overcome)
 Where the student fits in with the team/section
 Time Management
 Handling supervisor’s comments and development skills
3- Personal Competency Development: This is worth 50% of overall marks – approx 2000 words.
This task brings together the main themes of the module and requires you to build a portfolio from the perspective of additional skills development, engagement in further self-development from the perspective of a broader work-based context and further demonstration of cultural and ethical awareness through the additional experiences gained by working in cultural diverse groups and teams but in an employment context.
Areas which can be covered include:
 Skills gained through working through the internship, demonstrate and critically evaluate the ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and by doing so, making a personal contribution to team effectiveness.
 A critical appreciation of your personal strengths and weaknesses and an ability to engage in the process of continuous self-development in the context of working on internship potentially in a new location.
 The development of your inter-personal and intra-personal skills through a broader work-based engagement.
 A reflection on a wide range of internship activities supported by examples on your involvements on: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Communications & Influencing, Collaborating, Innovation & Proactivity.
4- Reflection of Learning and Development: This is worth 20% of overall marks – approx 1000 words.
You will have worked on some of these tasks over your internship of the semester and the portfolio is your opportunity to bring this work together in a professional manner and reflect upon the relevance of these activities. Summarise how you have reflected on your learning and
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development whilst on internship. Demonstrate awareness of your personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development.
5- Presentation of Portfolio: This is worth 10% of overall marks
The final 10% of marks will be awarded for the presentation and structure of your assignment and the accurate referencing of your sources. You will need to show the use of appropriate report layout and formatting, academic citations, examples and a reference list.
Late submission of work
Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply.
For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.
For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.
The Penalty does not apply to Pass/Fail Modules, i.e. there will be no penalty for late submission if assessments on Pass/Fail are submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline.
Coursework submitted more than 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment and the module will be failed, irrespective of the overall module mark.
For clarity: if the original hand-in time on working day A is 12noon the 24 hour late submission allowance will end at 12noon on working day B.
These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.
Word limits and penalties
If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:
 Title and Contents page
 Reference list
 Appendices
 Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations
 Glossary
 Bibliography
 Quotes from interviews and focus groups.
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Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.
Academic Misconduct
The Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards (ARNA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.
The full policy is available at: http://www.northumbria.ac.uk/sd/central/ar/qualitysupport/asspolicies/
You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken very seriously by Newcastle Business School. Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.
Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives
This assessment will contribute directly to the following postgraduate programme goals and objectives.
Goal One: To develop the skills necessary for employment and career progression
Demonstrate awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development
Demonstrate the development of inter-personal and intra-personal skills.
Demonstrate competence in contemporary analytical and ICT applications
Goal Two: Be culturally and ethically aware
Demonstrate their ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and make an appropriate personal contribution to team effectiveness
Reflect on their own ethical values.
Understand the wider impact of individual or organisational decision making on social and environmental contexts
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Goal Three: Have developed leadership and management capability
Analyse and communicate complex issues effectively
Demonstrate decision making, problem solving and project management skills
Goal Four: Have developed and applied knowledge of international business and management theory
Acquire, interpret and apply knowledge of international business, management and organisational functions.
Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative and contemporary research on the business and management community
Acquire, interpret and apply specialist functional knowledge in relation to their programme of study (specialist programmes only)
Goal Five: Have developed a range of research skills and project capabilities
Plan and complete a major individual piece of research on a contemporary business, management or leadership topic.
Demonstrate skills of analysis and synthesis in the application of research methods to the exploration of contemporary business and management issues.
Module Specific Assessment Criteria
Please see attached rubric
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Standard Not Met 1
Standard Not Met 2
Meets Standard 1
Meets Standard 2
Exceeds Standard 1
Exceeds Standard 2
Exceeds Standard 3
Finding Internship
Clearly insufficient; Student is not able to provide evidence or describe a situation in which he/she was involved and that relates to finding an internship and a formulated learning outcome.
Insufficient explanation; Student is able to generally describe at least one evidence or situation in which he/she was involved and that relates to finding an internship and a formulated learning outcome but not clear.
An adequate explanation, providing some rationale in describing at least one evidence or situation in which he/she was involved and that relates to finding an internship and a formulated learning outcome.
A good explanation, providing rationale for the situation in which he/she was involved and that relates to finding an internship and a formulated learning outcome.
A very good explanation, providing a clear rationale for the situation in which he/she was involved and that relates to finding an internship and a formulated learning outcome.
An excellent explanation, providing a very clear rationale for the situation in which he/she was involved in finding an internship and that relates to formulated learning outcome.
An outstanding explanation, providing an exemplary clear rationale for the situation in which he/she was involved in finding an internship and that relates to formulated learning outcome.
Progress Report & Professional Skills
Clearly insufficient explanation of the role and application of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development. There are large gaps in understanding.
Insufficient explanation of the role and application what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development. There are gaps in understanding.
Adequate understanding of the role and application of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development is shown, but largely descriptive and needs greater evaluation and application to the case context.
A good understanding of the role and application of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development is shown, with good evaluation and application to the case context.
A very good understanding of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities.
An excellent understanding of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
An outstanding understanding of what they have experienced, and how these experiences have helped their development. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
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Personal Competency Development
Clearly insufficient explanation of the role and application of skills and personal development. There are large gaps in understanding.
Insufficient explanation of the role and application of skills and personal development. There are large gaps in understanding.
An adequate understanding of the role and application of skills and personal development used, although in places its application is either descriptive or needs greater evaluation and application to the case context.
A good understanding of the role and application of skills and personal development used.
A very good understanding of the role and application of skills and personal development used. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities.
An excellent understanding of the role and application of skills and personal development used. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
An outstanding understanding of the role and application of skills and personal development used. There are a clear reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
Reflection of Learning and Development
Completely insufficient summary of strengths and weaknesses.
Failure to identify evidence. Identification of appropriate areas of continuing self-development are completely insufficient.
Insufficient summary of strengths and weaknesses. Little or no identification of evidence.
Inconsistent areas for development with insufficient examples.
Identification of appropriate strengths and weaknesses are adequate.
Areas for further development are appropriate with adequate discussion of patterns of behaviour and examples.
Good discussion of relevant strengths and weaknesses
Detailed areas for personal development. Good discussion of patterns of behaviour and examples.
A very good analysis of relevant strengths and weaknesses. Very strong and appropriate areas for personal development identified.
Advanced discussion of explicit patterns of behaviour.
Very good discussion of examples and achieved objectives.
Excellent analysis of strengths and weaknesses. Evidence-based areas for personal development identified.
Excellent discussion of patterns of behaviour.
Excellent discussion of examples and achieved objectives.
Outstanding analysis of strengths and weaknesses. Evidence based areas for personal development identified.
Outstanding discussion of patterns of behaviour and discussion of examples and achieved objectives.
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Professional Presentation of Portfolio
Presentation and formatting throughout are completely insufficient.
Numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
Failure to cite references correctly in the main text. No reference list.
Presentation and formatting throughout are insufficiently professional.
Many spelling and grammatical errors.
Referencing throughout and in the reference list is insufficiently correct.
Presentation and formatting are adequate.
Few spelling and grammatical errors
Most references are presented appropriately in the main text.
List of references is accurate.
Good presentation throughout
Spelling and grammar of a good standard.
Very good referencing throughout the main text.
Accurate list of references.
Very good presentation throughout
Spelling and grammar of a high standard.
Very good referencing throughout the assignment.
Excellent professional presentation throughout. Excellent spelling and grammar.
Appropriate referencing used throughout the main text and list of references.
An outstandingly crafted piece of work which is professionally presented throughout.
Appropriate referencing used throughout the main text and for the list of references.
Overall Mark
[ –/100 ]
Further Comments:

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