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What organizational structure seems (at this point) to lend itself to your paper? How do you conceptualize putting the paper together? Try to be specific to your topic and not general.

Paper Proposal for research essay

ENG 102



For the proposal, you want to construct a short 11/2 to 2 page write up planning the research paper.  For your proposal, you want to include the following topics developed as an essay.

  • What is your working thesis? What about the topic do you want to argue?
  • Who is your intended audience?
  • Based on your working thesis, what topics should you discuss and analyze? Are there other things you need to learn about to write on the topic? How do you plan to get the information?
  • What organizational structure seems (at this point) to lend itself to your paper? How do you conceptualize putting the paper together? Try to be specific to your topic and not general.
  • What is your overall purpose in constructing your argument for the paper?


Please put this proposal in MLA format.  Maybe use this as a chance to start working on a descriptive title. (25 pts.)

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