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Build a budget for the funding you are requesting. Please use the provided (Excel budget shell). This budget shell has internal formulae which will assist you to complete the details of the budget and calculate the total. Assume your budget is for one year. The excel budget is divided into sections. a. Names of budget and the budget period.

Week 6: Fundraising Plan and Budget Assignment

This week’s activities center around fictitious childhood immunization program in the city of Windy Apple that has lost its funding and needs to re-tool. A short case describing the predicament this organization finds itself in is posted below. Your responses in this week’s discussion forum and your work on the budget assignment will be based on the parameters of this case.


CASE: Funding issues for the HEALTHY CHILD program

HEALHTY CHILD is a program located within the city of Windy Apple and operated by its Community Health Center (WACHC). The goal of this program was to immunize all children within the city’s limits under the age of 5 to prepare them for school registration. HEALTHY CHILD is funded 80% by the WACHC and 20% by an outside benevolent funder.

Until recently, the 20% benevolent funding portion of the costs for operating the HEALTH CHILD immunization program was covered by Better Life Foundation, a local philanthropic organization. That foundation’s mission statement is, “All to ensure a better life for the Windy Apple’s residents.” Due to the downturn in investment income, HEATHY CHILD has been notified that the Better Life Foundation can no longer support the immunization program.

About 4,000 children are immunized each year and each new child needs four visits to complete their immunization cycle and the estimated total cost to immunize each child is


Assignment – Please be sure to watch all the lectures before attempting to complete this assignment. There are two parts to this assignment.

  1. To follow up with the discussion session, you learned that your CHC only has funds to cover 80% of your operating budget. That means that the Childhood Immunization program will have no funding next year. Using the research and comments on the discussion wall, write-up a short fundraising plan to account for the 20% of your uncovered budget. The 3 page fundraising plan needs to have three sections.
  1. You must include why this funder would be interested in funding your project’s shortfall. Why this funder is in alignment with you mission vision and values.
  2. What type of proposal you need to present. You need to research the funder and its instructions to determine how the funder wants to receive proposals. DO NOT CONTACT THE FUNDER.
  3. You must list sources for your information.
  1. Build a budget for the funding you are requesting. Please use the provided (Excel budget shell). This budget shell has internal formulae which will assist you to complete the details of the budget and calculate the total. Assume your budget is for one year. The excel budget is divided into sections. a. Names of budget and the budget period.
  2. The next section is for personnel – who are you proposing to work on this effort or project. Not the full amount of their employment unless they will be dedicated 100% to the effort.
  3. The third is for the other directs costs such as travel or special equipment and consultants needed.
  4. The fourth is for the costs sometime called the indirect cost or the percentage that is negotiated and/or required by your funder.
  1. Each Section has columns. The most complete are the columns for personnel. These are described below.

Section 1

Titles and budget period section. These items are self-explanatory.

Section 2

Personnel – add the name of each proposed personnel Title – add the title the corresponds to each person’s job

% Effort – in the budget year what percentage of this person’s time will be spent on the immunization program.

Base salary – the person’s current salary for one full year

Base project salary this is calculated as the salary for the number of months the person will work on the project.

Project Salary is the calculation of the percent effort times the base project salary.

Fringe benefit is for the holiday, vacation, sick and health insurance contribution. This is about 25% of the person’s project salary.

Section 3 Other Direct Costs

This is where the budget for rent, travel special contract services such as data retrieval and data entry, special supplies and printing costs are listed. Also note that if consultants or others who are not employees of your CHC, they would be listed here. As an example we list a Research Scientist consultant. If the funder does not require an evaluation or research component, you can delete these staffing lines.


Section 4 Total Other Costs

The category Modified Total Direct cost (MTDC) is where you would add cost sharing if cost sharing was required.

Most importantly is the Indirect Cost. In the table it is listed as 26.5%. This is the negotiated and audited percentage amount that covers standard supplies and office equipment as well as other costs that are needed to conduct business or provide services. For example, included here would be a partial share of that are called general and administrative costs. Depending on the type of agency, the indirect percentage could be as low at 8 % – usually for a training effort to over 100% for a new start-up company.

Once you have completed entered the amounts the budget template will calculate the total funding requested.

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