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Explain the involvement of MCPS in the licensing of a song for a Hollywood film production. NB. Consider at what stage MCPS would become involved and what physical products may be involved.


Instrument of Assessment Internally Verified by: CN Date: 06/05/16


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CQA1.1.9: Assessment Material Cover Sheet

Unit Number:                     DR1J3

Unit Title:                            Management skills and legal issues

Verification Group:          380

Outcome(s):                        2                                  Version:        02

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“I declare that this submission is entirely my own work, and any content by other authors has been clearly acknowledged and referenced.  I understand that disciplinary action will be taken by the college if this is not the case.”

Student Signature:                                                           Date:


Assessment Instructions

  • You will have a maximum of 3 Hours to complete this assessment.
  • You may use the following equipment or resources during this assessment:

This is an open book assessment, you may refer to any agreed reference sources

  • This assessment will be graded Pass or Fail
  • To achieve a Pass you must complete and submit all points below.



If your work is graded as “Fail” you will be given a re-sit.  If your work is graded as “Fail” on your second attempt, you may be given a third and final assessment but only if agreed by the members of your staff course team.  For detailed information on the college’s assessment policy please refer to the college intranet policies area or ask your Lecturer.


If you are not satisfied with the grade awarded by your Lecturer, you should speak to your lecturer in the first instance.  If you are not satisfied with this response then the Lecturer or Curriculum & Quality Leader will refer you to the college’s appeals procedure.

Impartial advice about the college appeals procedure is available from your student advisor.

DR1J35 Management Skills and Legal Issues


‘Evaluate legal issues relating to the sound production industries’

In order to complete this assessment you are required to assess and evaluate legal issues with particular reference to the wider aspects of the music industry.

For this you must demonstrate evidence of:

  • Being able to evaluate and explain contractual requirements
  • Having an understanding of intellectual property law in relation to sound recordings
  • Possessing an overview of the regulatory bodies that are involved in the music industry
  • Being able to discuss music industry legislation

Outcome 2 will be assessed by means of completing written answers to a series of questions covering knowledge relating to research carried out over the course of the unit. The assessment will last for approximately three hours and will be held under open book controlled conditions.

Complete the following questions:


Contractual Requirements

  1. Evaluate a legal dispute in the music industry which was caused by a poorly negotiated or non-existent contract. Ensure that you include the following information:

– briefly outline the details of the dispute

– who were the main people involved and what were their roles?

– what was the outcome?

– what could have been included in a contract to help avoid this dispute?

  1. Explain in detail three common payment options for a producer, including the benefits and risks associated with each option.
  2. Why might a producer wish to have their credit included on a recorded product?
  3. Define what is meant by A/B side protection in a producer’s contract and explain why it is important for a producer to negotiate the inclusion of this clause.

 Intellectual Property & Copyright


  1. Explain in detail what is meant by intellectual property
  1. Explain what different elements of a recorded song are protected by copyright legislation.
  2. Explain how long the copyright term is for:
  3. a) a musical work
  4. b) a sound recording.
  5. What are the implications for the copyright owners when these copyrights expire?


Legislation and Regulatory Bodies

  1. What U.K. legislation does copyright law fall under?
  2. Describe four economic rights and four moral rights that are controlled by copyright legislation and give examples of situations where they may be relevant.
  3. Provide an overview of the role of the PPL, including information about the splits of PPL revenue between record labels/ featured artists and session musicians.

4.Provide an overview of the role of the MCPS

  1. Explain the involvement of MCPS in the licensing of a song for a Hollywood film production. NB. Consider at what stage MCPS would become involved and what physical products may be involved.
  2. Identify and explain the many ways in which PRS would be involved in a large scale live music festival. NB. This would include live performance, TV and radio broadcast, on-site retailers.

End of assessment

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