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How does the structure of an organization support, enhance, or inhibit productivity, teamwork, and the attainment of that organization’s mission, vision, and values?

 In your assignment, you are writing this as a funding proposal so keep yourself in check with whatever role you select.

  • Remember your audience is the funder.
  • Do not waste your space explaining to me how funding works since you would not explain that to a potential funder.
  • This must be less than two pages double spaced with an excel sheet snipped into a fourth sheet.
  • No the budget does not count as part of your three.
  • Please use your snipping tool to submit ONE File
  • Mac users = “Grab tool”
  • Please remember to clean up the template, do not leave instructions or highlights in the excel sheet

Assignment Rubric

  • Page parameters
    • Do not exceed the two-page double spaced parameter for the paper
    • Do not forget the excel sheet snip on a fourth page
    • Do not forget the references.


  • Calculated the funds needed  (4,000 kids times $100 times 20% needed  = $80,000  grant amount)  Budget request in your memo text should be for this $80K amount.  The overall excel sheet snapshot should be less than $400,000.  Simply play with the lines highlighted in yellow to make your unique budget.
  • Builds budget correctly (and provides appropriate sources for the salaries) fits on one page
  • Please remove instructional text from the excel template
  • Understand the difference in the budget categories and use correctly in the fundraising plan (why non-governmental agency/organization would be interested, type of proposal, source of information)

Requested Headers

If you do not have headers from your funder then use these headers at (an APA level 3):

  1. Background/ Project Information
  2. Outcomes/ Expectations – list the basics: $80,000, lost 20%
  3. Impacts
  4. Staff – don’t forget a CURRENT reference for salary
  5. Budget

Repeated Reminders

  1. Remember your goal is to stay in character so do not explain the assignment to the funder.
  2. Do they give money often enough that it will count for you in time to make this budget request?
  3. Do they provide funding in your area?
  4. Do they support your cause?
  • How does the structure of an organization support, enhance, or inhibit productivity, teamwork, and the attainment of that organization’s mission, vision, and values?
  • Where do you work?  Does the environment help you?
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