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In responding to your peers, evaluate how their examples can impact employee management. Support your response with sound arguments and properly cited sources, when applicable.

In responding to your peers, evaluate how their examples can impact employee management. Support your response with sound arguments and properly cited sources, when applicable.:

POST 1: “After reading the article on SAS, I felt truly inspired by the shared devotion and drive that both Goodnight and his employees have in their own success and that of the company. In using the elements of the P-O-L-C framework, Goodnight has created an organization that is rich in culture, dedication and success. The shared wealth is not just monetary. Goodnight has created an atmosphere that ignites desire in its employees. “Goodnight says the “wonder” isn’t that his company is so generous, but why other presumably rational corporations are not (Kaplan, 2010).”

By using planning and controlling, SAS offers its employees everything from childcare to healthcare visits. This kind of planning and controlling helps the organization by reducing call-ins as well as many other things. By offering things such as flexible schedules, an on-site cafeterias, some of the modern-day work frenzy can be reduced. This is a great way to reduce stress and increase mental health. Leadership empowers its employees by allowing them to set hours so that it can work for them and they can in turn, produce better for the organization.

SAS displays planning, organizing, leading and controlling through its many benefits. SAS offers as much enticement to grow and succeed as any company could. The shared effort is what will keep it successful. Happy employees are more productive. “Academicians confirm that his policies augment creativity, reduce distraction, and foster intense loyalty — even though SAS isn’t known for paying the highest salaries in its field and even though there are no stock options (Kaplan, 2010).”

Kaplan, D., (2010). A New No. 1 Best Employer. Retrieved from: http://archive.fortune.com/2010/01/21/technology/sas_best_companies.fortune/index.htm


POST 2: “Reading the SAS article has opened my eyes to an extreme way of managing that I didn’t know truly existed, I have always known happy employees make for good workforce but thought there needed to be a balance.

They strategize of SAS is to make sure that the people who work for them are happy enough to keep coming back. Goodnight likes to say. “My job is to make sure they come back.”. This strategy is what I think every good employer strives for, and it looks like Goodwin has achieved it.  I find that employee retention is the most difficult in my current position as manager and owner of Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt.  I am excited to learn a new way of managing my people.

The Organization is designed to treat all employees with respect and give them something above and beyond they can get at any where else.

The leadership style is not to micro manage but allow employees to work on their own. SAS allows their employees to work house they want/ need and manage their own time off.   The SAS company has pretty much relinquished control of the employees and the employees have stepped up to the challenge and do they work they need to work and do it with a smile.  Everyone wants to work at SAS, “SAS hired 264 employees in 2009, receiving 100 résumés per open position.”




“ You communicated, “Its corporate culture and the maverick leadership of its CEO Jim Goodnight has fostered loyalty, increased creativity, and reduced distraction among his employees…” Nice reflection here! This is a leader who cares not only for the organization, but all the stakeholders involved in making the company great. What is the assumption being made here about a leader who invests his time and profits for their employees’ happiness and success? What does this tell you about the leadership qualities that Dr. Goodnight possesses?”

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