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Structure/organization of essay—does your essay develop one point per paragraph? Do your paragraphs make clear how they relate to your thesis? Do you use key words and transitions to help your readers follow and connect your discussion within and between paragraphs? Does your discussion unfold in a linear way? (Consider PIE.)

Image and Word: Grading Rubric for WA# 1

Grasp of and accuracy of representation of readings—do you demonstrate solid understanding of both readings as you provide overviews, give context to quotations, and discuss their content?                                                                   4 PTS

Focus on and control of task to identify and discuss connections—does your thesis pinpoint the connection(s) in precise language and make the so-what evident and engaging?  Do paragraphs maintain their focus on this task?         4 PTS

Structure/organization of essay—does your essay develop one point per paragraph?  Do your paragraphs make clear how they relate to your thesis?  Do you use key words and transitions to help your readers follow and connect your discussion within and between paragraphs?  Does your discussion unfold in a linear way?   (Consider PIE.)                         4 PTS

Complexity/depth/development of discussion—does your essay reflect genuine inquiry into the texts and topics? Does your thesis promise a multifaceted discussion? Do your paragraphs enter the texts via quotation and close explanation of quotes?  Do you include several quotes and references to illustrate each point?  Do you answer the so-what question?  Does your ultimate thesis in your conclusion capitalize on the complexity of the essay’s discussion?             8 PTS

Clarity/accuracy/variety of integration of quotations using MLA formatting—do you put book titles in italics, article or chapter titles in quotation marks?  Do you cite page #s in parentheses at the end of every quotation and close paraphrase?  Do you vary the ways you include quotations, including some blended quotations and avoiding block quotations for this short essay? Do you include clear and grammatical set-ups of quotations and provide attribution?                   5 PTS

Writer’s engagement with the texts, the task, and their own discussion as developed and presented–does your essay reflect your commitment to interpreting and responding to these texts and this task with both heart and mind?
This does not require an “I” voice and certainly doesn’t encourage preachy “we all should” language.  It does encourage a discussion that moves beyond the mechanical or the clinical.                                                              2 PTS

Clarity and precision at the sentence level; grammar, punctuation, and other mechanics—in particular, do you avoid fragments and run-ons? Do you use commas in standard ways to help readers parse your sentences?
Are you in control of your vocabulary and your clauses?  (Please note that if sentences are so unclear that readers can’t grasp their meaning and follow the discussion, this will impact more than 3 points.)                                  3 PTS

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