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Write a dissertation analyzing Evie Wyld’s novel “All the Birds,Singing” through the feminist perspective.

The dissertation should analyse Evie Wyld’s novel “All the Birds,Singing” through the feminist perspective. Must follow the requirements from the book Research Matters by I Šeškauskiene. (I can provide the scanned version) and use the method of quotation written in the book. Introduction should include an introduction of the author and book, followed by an overall critical reception of the author’s writing. Then a short summary of the novel itself followed by a critical reception of the novel. (Introduction should be around 5 pages) After the introduction there should be an explanation of the theoretical framework. It should include the explanation of the main concepts that will be used in the dissertation. Followed by introducing all the aspects that the novel will be analysed with. Next should be the main analysis of the novel followed by the conclusion and bibliography.

Please reference the uploaded file for more information on the style of writing needed.

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