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Critically examine your role in the assessment of an acutely ill adult that commonly presents within the Emergency Department.


Critically examine your role in the assessment of an acutely ill adult that commonly presents within the Emergency Department.
This should be achieved by:
• ​Selecting one patient you have assessed and cared for in the emergency department setting
• ​Analyse the assessment undertaken for this patient making reference to appropriate underpinning physiology;
• ​Critically discuss your management of this patient.
Assignment Regulations
Word Limit
The word limit is 2000 words (+/- 10%), reference lists, bibliography’s and any appendices will not be included in the word count. Is to amend my work .
This is the feedback
Strengths of the work
You have selected an appropriate aspect of ED nursing.


You have listed in your introduction the structure of your paper. There is no analysis of the ABCDE assessment, nor an outline of the pathophysiology.The paper progresses to repeatedly describe the physical examination for appendicitis.

There is very limited cover of assignment specification. Knowledge is very limited. The evidence presented is limited. There is a lack of balance and no evidence of critical analysis. There is an absence of judgment in accordance with evidence from theories, research, practice and concepts of the subject matter. Conclusions lack depth. The academic style is unsatisfactory with very little evidence of proof reading and the Harvard referencing style has not been adhered to.Future work should specifically refer to confidentiality and support this with a reference (NMC 2015), needs to be well referenced. Needs to critically analyze the care given, not describe the physical assessment.

Tutorial support is strongly recommended prior to resubmission.
Rearrange my work in the end need to have 2000 works
I’ll send work of one of my colleagues as template
I’ll my work

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