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Australian cinema is caught in a bind of wanting to appeal to national audiences, but also to not exclude international markets. In relation to film Dressmaker (Moorhouse, 2015) and Upgrade (Whannell, 2018), how has the industry in your opinion succeeded – or failed – to cater to these divergent audiences?

Research Question
Australian cinema is caught in a bind of wanting to appeal to national audiences, but also
to not exclude international markets. In relation to film Dressmaker (Moorhouse, 2015)
and Upgrade (Whannell, 2018), how has the industry in your opinion succeeded – or
failed – to cater to these divergent audiences?
Links to download films
(change audio to english if it starts playing in Russian):
1. Dressmaker (Moorhouse, 2015)
2. Upgrade (Whannell, 2018)
– Say 500 words for Introduction where you set up arguments
– Explain, analyse, argue those arguments in the body. 1200 words pure research +
1200 words application. Ex. Research paragraph
followed by a film analysis and then repeat that structure – or both research
paragraphs followed by the films.
– Say 500 words to conclude overall
1. Watch both films first.
Both films shot in Australia with Australian crew and designed to be Australian (locations,
accent, manners, some little things that belongs to Australians etc) but since everyone
wants to make a profit, those films are also designed to be appearing for international
markets (ex. use of international actors).
2. Don’t research broadly. Find two main points/questions and research them more in
3. Don’t repeat yourself, don’t repeat things again and again otherwise you would need to
rewrite it.
4. Must have some references to readings below.
Welcome to use additional material from reliable sources.
5. APA citation. Must put page number/s. Minimum 8 references – 12 is max.

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