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Where in The Postman Always Rings Twice, do we see signs of post-war American social malaise? How is this reflected through expressionistic film language?

ASSIGNMENT Journal Writing about Film Noir and Science Fiction FilmsMovies being referenced in the journal writing:Film Noir: The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Fatal Attraction (1987)Science Fiction: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), World War Z (2013) The above movies are Film Noir and Science Fiction Films, make sure to refrence this in the […]

For the two movies you watched that do not focus on a hero’s journey, how does each movie use ambiguity to engage the audience, develop character or plot, and explore complex ideas.

Inception and Arrival Movie Cinematic Ambiguity Essay For the two movies you watched that do not focus on a hero’s journey, how does each movie use ambiguity to engage the audience, develop character or plot, and explore complex ideas. Are these movies effective in the way they challenge traditional expectations of cinematic storytelling? (Why or […]

l submit a two-page reflection paper (APA style) explaining how acting and dramatization function in your films Be sure to write an abstract, use specific details and relate to your textbook

TASK Watch Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane (1941; available on Swank) or Yorgos Lanthimos’ Dogtooth (2009; available on Kanopy). Read the accompanying essays about these films. Then you will submit a two-page reflection paper (APA style) explaining how acting and dramatization function in your films Be sure to write an abstract, use specific details and relate […]

How does characterization as done with cinematic techniques affect how we feel about Lola and Manni?

ASSIGNMENT Find a way into the film by examining an element that you believe is crucial to your making meaning from the experience of viewing it. The following compilation of questions is meant to help spark your ideas. One of these questions is sufficient for your 2-page mini-essay. Your essay should be analysis and not […]

How do this week’s materials relate to/build off of the materials we covered in last week’s Module 4?

ASSIGNMENT 1. AMIND 440 Week 5 PowerPoint Lecture.pptx AMIND 440 Week 5 Lecture Notes.docx Excerpts from William Bradford’s Journal “Of Plymouth Plantation” https://www.businessinsider.com/the-real-story-of-… Disney’s Pocahontas Movie Trailer https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.sdsu.edu/stable/25088595?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents or this week’s discussion blog, please write a 400-word minimum response to this week’s readings based on the following questions. Also, don’t forget to post a 200-word […]

Is this the first movie that could be considered worthy of a Best Picture (not Best Foreign-Language Film) Oscar?

TASK Find a way into one of this week’s films by examining a cinematic element that you believe is crucial to your making meaning from the experience of viewing it. Use MLA or APA citation style. Research outside sources and/or use the sources in this week’s readings as starting points. Be sure to cite any […]

What is Joseph’s strongest point? What is her weakest?-Who is Joseph’s intended audience? Why? re you a part of it? Why or why not?

TASK With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph Directions: Read “With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph. Then choose two questions regarding to discuss with your peers: Joseph has presented an evaluative argument regarding Disney’s Moana. Do you feel her evaluation is convincing? Why or why not? […]

Joseph has presented an evaluative argument regarding Disney’s Moana. Do you feel her evaluation is convincing? Why or why not?

TASK Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph Directions: Read “With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right” by Alli Joseph. Then choose two questions regarding to discuss with your peers: Joseph has presented an evaluative argument regarding Disney’s Moana. Do you […]

How does editing create a variety of functions that help develop a film’s mise en scène?

TASK Submit a 1-2 page reflection on how your film uses movement and editing as defined by Chapters Three and Four in Understanding Movies. Use Robert Bresson’s Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) OR Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010). Warning: 13 Assassins is a violent period samurai film. These questions should help frame your response: How does […]

Short Film & Documentary-Watch 2 short films and answer documentary question

Short Film & Documentary Watch 2 short films and answer documentary question Link to my work docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LK5YM8qZ_OvwH8… Film 1: https://www.kanopy.com/en/sjsu/watch/video/144916/… Film 2: https://www.kanopy.com/en/sjsu/watch/video/86461 Type the answer directly on my google docs .  

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