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Read the “Query XVII: Religion,” explain how this document meets all the tenets of the Age of Reason.

Directions for this paper is typed below.

For this journal, you will have an opportunity to think critically about the Age of Reason.

Here’s what you’ll be doing: Read the “Query XVII: Religion,” which is located at http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/notes-on-the-state-of-virginia-query-xvii-religion/. Now explain how this document meets all the tenets of the Age of Reason. Your answer must address content, structure and style. You don’t have to use research of this journal, but — if you do use outside resources — those resources must be legitimate with in-text citations and a citation.

Spelling and grammar do count, so write well. Be sure that your writing is substantive and academic. Be professional and polite. Grammar and spelling do count on this assignment. You may use first person, but make sure that your tone is academic.

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