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Discuss some of the causes of the Worldwide Great Depression. Discuss how the depression would affect one of the following nations – Great Britain, Russia, or Germany.

Section 6.2 – Great Depression

After the end of World War, I in 1918, Europe and the United States were optimistic that good times and prosperity would return. The prosperity that occurred from 1924-1929 was boosted by the American investment of bank loans to Germany. This would change as Americans focused on the booming stock market of the 1920s. Despite the prosperity of the era, overproduction of agricultural goods and a slump in the coal industry pointed to a downturn in domestic economies. The United States Stock Market Crash of 1929 would lead to the withdrawal of American investment funds in Europe and an international financial crisis. In 1932, 25% of Americans and 40% of Germans were unemployed. Industrial production would plummet 50% worldwide. The social and economic repercussions were widespread. This desperation felt in Europe would provide the support needed for fascism to spread in many regions of the continent.

Discuss some of the causes of the Worldwide Great Depression. Discuss how the depression would affect one of the following nations – Great Britain, Russia, or Germany. How do you feel that the depression caused social and economic problems that would lead to World War II?

Incorporate at least two sources from the learning materials and include a source list and citations where needed.

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