Case study
Respond to the question (How do language/s and culture/s matter as resources in people’s lives?) in a situation of a student from Middle East who got English as a second language?
In discussing the focus question include examples drawn from your own observations, experiences and reflections, artistic representations of identity, and the research literature of the field. It is essential that the discussion explain the connections between language and identity and be supported by substantial discussion of the themes and concepts of the subject and include substantial referencing.
Criteria for judging performance:
– demonstrated understanding of the theoretical concepts in language and identity
– appropriate references to relevant literature
– quality of analysis, response and argument in relation to the topic
– incorporation of diverse perspectives from multiple sources
– inclusion of relevant supporting documentation and examples
– demonstrated reflection on the relationship between language and culture
– ability to present a personal perspective
– quality of conclusion
– logical structuring of the ideas/argument
– clarity of expression
– appropriate referencing.10 minimum
Block, D. (2014). Second language identities. London. Bloomsbury.(Chapt. 2: Identity in the social sciences today). pp.13-53.
Joseph, J.D. (2016). Historical perspectives on language and identity. In Preece, S. (ed). The Routledge Handbook of Language and identity. Abington, Routledge. pp.19-33.
Cantle, T. (2012). Interculturalism. The new era of cohesion and diversity. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapt. 3: Reforming the notion of identity). pp.30-52.
Pennycook, A. (2009). Linguistic landscapes and the transgressive semiotics of graffiti. In E. Shohamy & G. Gorter (Eds.) Linguistic landscape. Expanding the scenery. NY & London. Routledge. (Ch.19, pp.302-311).
Hoffman, E. (1989/1998) Lost in translation. A life in a new language. London. Vintage. pp.99-108.