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Select a topic in an area of family policy or at least relevant to families which is an issue concerning a specific policy or an area of policy.

You are to select a topic in an area of family policy or at least relevant to families which is an issue concerning a specific policy or an area of policy. My topic is Child Abuse

After you have selected your topic, you will review the relevant literature to identify any social, political, historical, etc. issues or events which might have impacted your topic. You are to examine issues, that presently might be impacting your topic area and what might impact the area in the future.

In other words, in what direction is your topic area moving and what issues might policy makers (legislators, administrators, etc.) attend to and address?

Finally, what policy recommendations would you make in this area, and why?
You are required to use research journals as well as relevant books and brochures for your literature review. Use Five references in total.
Use Required text:
Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Family policy matters: How policymaking affects families and what professionals can do (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Use links:



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