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Using the steps to prepare a speech detailed in chapters 11 and 12, compose a speech having in mind the topic, purpose, and audience. Once written, reflect on the following: What is the purpose of the speech? Who is your audience? What research did you make, if any? What part was the most difficult to accomplish? Why? What part was the easiest to accomplish? Explain.

Speech Preparation: Speech Organization Techniques
Your best friend is getting married and has asked you to give a speech at the wedding. You are hesitant to accept because he is marrying someone from India, and you do not know much about the culture and do not want to say anything that might be misconstrued. After some convincing, you accept to give a speech where you celebrate the happy couple and you welcome the bride to the “family.”
Using the steps to prepare a speech detailed in chapters 11 and 12, compose a speech having in mind the topic, purpose, and audience. Once written, reflect on the following: What is the purpose of the speech? Who is your audience? What research did you make, if any? What part was the most difficult to accomplish? Why? What part was the easiest to accomplish? Explain.

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