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What role should the client’s agenda and goals play in the coaching process, and how do the Coach’s listening skills influence successful outcomes?

Divide the paper into 5 sections with the following titles answering each question individually in a full page for each question: 1.what is professional coaching and what distinguishes it from mentoring and counseling?
2.What personal characteristics are essential for the Professional Coach and how do they influence the coaching relationship? In which of these personal characteristics are you strong / weak?
3.What role should the client’s agenda and goals play in the coaching process, and how do the Coach’s listening skills influence successful outcomes?
4What elements make for great questions in leadership coaching and why? Secondly, what are the primary factors that influence success or failure in the coaching process?
for question 5 please read the following article:http://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-10-professional-life-coaching-myths/
you are going to compare and contrast this secular news article. You will discuss the benefits of Christian Life Coaching you have learned about in chapters 3 and 4. Discuss at least two ways in which the article aligns with the benefits of Christian Life Coaching discussed in class and in your reading. Next, discuss any points that you feel do not align with the benefits of Christian Life Coaching. Finally, discuss one aspect of life coaching that you had not previously considered.

Remember only use a full page to answer each of these topics and the question should be at the top of the page for question 5 just name it news article. each page only needs 2 sources that’s it.

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