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Write a short paper (1 to 1-1/2 pages) in which you discuss at least three different aspects of the video “Music of the Brain” that you found interesting.

Write a short paper (1 to 1-1/2 pages) in which you discuss at least three different aspects of the video “Music of the Brain” that you found interesting. (Examples: the use of music with dementia/stroke patients, the response of infants to the sounds/music of the mother, etc.) Find at least one other article from an academically legitimate research source such as a newspaper, scientific magazine, or academic journal, dealing with the effects of music on the brain or body, and discuss the ways in the article supports and/or adds to the information in this video.

If you or anyone you know has had any experience using music in these ways (i.e. music therapy) please discuss these experiences in relation to the information provided in the video. You could also discuss aspects of the video that have inspired you to seek out more information, learn more about a specific topic, or incorporate music into your life or the life of someone close to you.

Website: learn.maricopa.edu

1. Click HUM107 class
2.Click on Module on the left side
3. Scroll down to ModuleFour:Music
4. Click on Video: Music of the Brain to watch the video

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