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Translating an IEP into a Unit of Study and Lesson Plans

The link to the IEP in which this assignment is based on. http://www.edugains.ca/resourcesSpecEd/IEP&Transitions/Samples/Elementary/E-LearningDisability.pdf

“Evaluation sheet

Fact Sheet:

Fact sheet clearly states name, link to IEP, exceptionality, name of Unit of Study & Lesson Plans /5

Unit of Study:

Clearly identifies the Unit of Study in terms of grade and subeject area /5

Gave specific information on subject area (i.e. math, geography, science, English, art, etc.) /20

Directly references the appropriate Ministry of Education Curriculum Documents

Includes curriculum expectations (application, inquiry, and understanding), specific strands,

instructional approaches, program considerations for exceptional students /20

Gives clear direction on the types of assignments using differentiated instruction /5

Gives clear direction on hands-on assignments using Universal Design /5

Gives clear direction on time-frame to complete unit /5

Lesson Plans

Presents two detailed Lesson Plans that directly address the Exceptional Student

based on the IEP chosen. /10

Are well organized, give clear direction, reference a variety of teaching strategies

such as think/pair/share, round robin, graphic organizers, etc. /10

References technology including use of videos, apps, online teaching cites related to the lesson /5

Clearly identifies any accommodation or modifications made to the lesson plan for

the Exceptional Student /10”

From the professor “Translating an IEP into a Unit of Study and Lesson Plans

You are to choose an IEP provided from either the elementary or secondary panel. Using the IEP as your reference point, you are to create a Unit of Study in one subject area and then provide 2 Lesson Plans. The Unit of Study should take into consideration Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design. The Lesson Plans must reflect the Exceptional Student identified in the IEP, and demonstrate appropriate accommodations and modifications; including a clear and planned consideration for transitions

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