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Write five annotations (80-100 words per annotation, not including citation) on peer reviewed journal articles and provide an Essay Plan to address Assessment C.

Task: Write five annotations (80-100 words per annotation, not including citation) on peer reviewed journal articles and provide an Essay Plan to address Assessment C.

General guidelines:

Write an annotated bibliography with 5 references that will go towards developing your research essay (Assessment C)
Select relevant items using research catalogues such as the library or Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) or directly through a relevant database. (Links to an external site.)If you have a specific field of focus you can use the library guides (Links to an external site.) to direct you to the correct data base/journal
Write annotated bibliographies in your own words
Selected references need to be relevant for your essay question
Use the Harvard style to create the references
Include an essay plan (include your proposed thesis statement and a suggested structure for your essay that sets out how you will present your argument).
Do not plagiarise or copy text from the abstract. You are required to read your chosen reading and develop your summary in your own words

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