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Article Summaries: What is the prevalence/ incidence of rheumatic fever in the Kimberley? What are the determinants of rheumatic fever in the Kimberley ?

The purpose of this assessment is to enable all students to work on their program plans in the tutorials based on evidence from the literature. Students are required to produce 3 x 250 word descriptive summaries of four relevant articles. Choose four peer-reviewed journal articles that will help you answer the following questions regarding rheumatic fever in the Kimberley, Western Australia. (Make sure Study is on RHEUMATIC FEVER IN KIMBERLY, WA)

What is the prevalence/ incidence of rheumatic fever in the Kimberley ?

What are the determinants of rheumatic fever in the Kimberley ?

What national or international interventions are or have been used to address rheumatic fever in any population , and what determinants do they address/ not address?

Each of the articles can address all or some of these questions. The idea is that you get an evidence base to start your program plan.

One you have identified your four articles you are required to produce four x 250 word descriptive summaries.

The 250-word summaries will include: 1. Concise description of the scope of the article including theories and methodology 2. Concise summary of the major results and conclusions.

Please note that this is NOT a critical annotated bibliography.

Please submit as one document in the following format:

Reference (in APA 6th)

Summary 250 words


Marking Criteria
Have you clearly described the scope of the article?

Have you identified the theoretical and methodological position of the article?

Have you understood the conclusions made by the author/s?

Have you written in your own words and not simply paraphrased the abstract?

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