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Select a local company or an international company which operates locally in the country where you are currently studying and Identify a Problem or an Opportunity for Improvement.

The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ capability in applying quantitative skills and knowledge to solve a real world supply chain problem and promote deep learning which occurs through interaction. Process of completing this assignment is explained as below:
a. Selecting a Company
Select a local company or an international company which operates locally in the country where you are currently studying. Contact info of the selected company should be provided in the Introduction section of the report.
b. Identify a Problem or an Opportunity for Improvement
Students are advised to review the processes and functions of the selected company’s supply chain to identify a problem(or an opportunity for improvement)which can be addressed by at least one of the quantitative methods covered in this course. Having an initial discussion with the company will help you choose the appropriate technique(s). If you are unsure regarding the selected company or topic, it is recommended to have a chat with your tutor. Your tutor will advise you whether the selected topic and/or company would be suitable for this assessment task.
c. Selecting a Quantitative Method
Students are required to choose any or a combination of the discussed quantitative methods in this course. Here are some suggested topics: • Linear/Integer Programming and Sensitivity Analysis • Waiting line models • Simulation • Risk Analysis • Decision Theory and Multi-criteria Decision Making
d. Data Collection > Problem Formulation > Analysis > Results and Discussion > Recommendation
The ultimate goal of this assignment is to provide the most insightful and informative recommendation for solving a supply chain-related problem or offering an opportunity for improvement. Therefore, students are required to analyse the identified data, discuss the findings, and provide recommendations accordingly. Using multiple sources of data is highly recommended, e.g conducting interview with company’s key staff and also using the company’s historical records.
e. Writing Report
Suggested structure of the report: 1. Executive Summary 2. Table of Content 3. List of Figures/Tables 4. Introduction
5. Identify a Problem or an Opportunity for Improvement 6. Choosing the Quantitative Method 7. Data Collection/Selection 8. Problem Formulation 9. Analysis 10. Results and Discussion 11. Recommendation 12. References 13. Appendix Notes: • In the ‘Introduction’ section, students are required to provide background information regarding the company including size, business type, areas of operations, competitors, supply chain structure, key staff contact information, etc. • Students are required to clearly explain why the nominated quantitative method is selected and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the selected method compared to other techniques. • To solve your model,if some required data is missing,you can use the competitors’ information,if available. If no data is available for a specific part of your model, you can solve your model using assumed data. However, all assumptions should be clearly explained.
f. Assessment Criteria
You can find below a list of requirements and assessment criteria:
Section Requirements Weight 1 Introduction Detailed background information regarding the company and its supply chain structure. 5% 2 Identify the Problem or Opportunity for Improvement Explain the problem or the opportunity for improvement that you identified in the company. Explain the assumptions. Provide detailed information regarding the chosen topic. Why is this topic chosen? Clarify current status of the topic in the selected company. Note: Students are recommended to avoid selecting a very simple or very complex problem to solve. Selecting very simple problem which does not add significant value to the company does not attract a high mark. Selecting a very complex problem may require too many assumptions which impacts the validity of the model. If you are unsure, please contact your tutor. 20% 3 Choosing the Quantitative Method Explain advantages and disadvantages of the selected quantitative method. Justify why the selected method is the best technique to addressing the company’s problem or making an improvement. 5% 4 Data Collection/Selection A comprehensive data collection/selection to provide all required inputs for the selected quantitative model/method. Students are required to collect real data for the chosen topic. 5% 5 Problem Formulation Step by step developing a model or formulate the quantitative method to fully address the identified problem or the process which is expected to be improved. If any assumption is made to develop the model, it should be clearly stipulated. 10%
Section Requirements Weight 6 Analysis Perform the analysis and provide Excel outputs with explanations. Clear explanation about all steps, calculations should be provided. 10% 7 Results and Discussion The outcome of analysis should be well explained and discussed. The situation of the company’s selected process/function should be compared before and after resolving the issue. The effectiveness of the selected quantitative method and findings needs to be discussed. If the solution/decision is impacted by the model assumptions, sensitivity analysis or re-testing the model by using different values of the assumed factor is required. 15% 8 Recommendations Providing a realistic recommendation to the company. If some assumptions could impact the validity of the recommendation, they should be clearly stipulated. 10% 9 Overall Presentation Providing high quality report with correct referencing, well developed executive summary, table of content, list of figures/ tables, page numbering, cover sheet, appendix (if any). Effective academic and professional writing requires good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. All sections should be clearly presented in the report. 20%
g. Submission of written assignment
• Students are required to submit both Word and Excel files. • Submission of a zipped file attracts no mark. • Failing to submit the Word or Excel documents will result in no mark (zero). • The naming convention for both Word and Excel files is: ‘Student_ID’. • Students must avoid using their nickname in the submission process. Student’s name should match with The University records. Notes: • All written assignments must be submitted electronically using the assignment submission tool which is available under the ‘Assignment’ section of the Canvas. • Providing assignment reports via email or submitting the hard copy of report is not accepted. • As assessment 3 is a summative assignment, if you require feedback on this assignment, please contact your tutor after two weeks from the assignment due date. • For information about academic integrity at RMIT visit http://www1.rmit.edu.au/students/academicintegrity.

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