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Read (Ortega, 2009) Understanding second language acquisition and write a critical review of the chapter/article.

The portfolio comprises two tasks:

Portfolio Task 1: Critical review [450 words]

Copy the link here to read the reading. https://mohammedaljohani.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/understanding-second-language-acquisition.pdf

Read (Ortega, 2009) Understanding second language acquisition and write a critical review of the chapter/article. In so doing consider:

1)the major issue that is addressed/investigated
2)the theoretical perspective from which the issue is addressed
3)the strengths and limitations of the research undertaken and the 4)analysis provided
5)the implications of the findings.
In writing the review provide a summary of the article, bearing in mind the considerations above and then include critical commentary on the chapter/article.

Portfolio Task 2: Language learning auto-biography [450 words]

Write a personal language learning auto-biography. This may include various aspects of your own profile: languages used (where, when, with whom, for what purposes), your first and additional language/s and their relationship, your experience of language learning (first, additional languages), memorable moments, experiences or formal or informal assessment successes/lack of success in language learning, your own narrative about your experience. Consider also the phrase, expression or metaphor that best captures your experiences of learning to speak and work in particular languages. Include a critical reflection on how your experience connects with the themes and literature of this course.

Criteria for judging performance:

Demonstrated understanding of text reviewed: content, argument and orientation
appropriate gathering, ordering and consideration of information
Ability to present personal reflections as a report with appropriate connections to the themes of the course and the literature
Appropriate structuring of responses
Clarity and accuracy of expression
Appropriate referencing.

*For Portfolio Task 2 write it as if your mother tongue is Cantonese, and you’re from Hong Kong. Thanks!

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