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Voluntary Euthanasia: List at least 5 key points in support of the issue. List at least 5 key points opposing the issue.

Points of Debate

Due: 5 pm Friday 23rd of August OR in-class Week 6

Format: Dot point format for summary and free text for Questionnaire.

Word Count: 1200 words (not including subheadings, in-text citations, your reference list or the questions on the questionnaire)

Comprehension and critical thinking task

Task Instructions:

Voluntary Euthanasia

2. Research your topic using either scholarly sources or reputable web sites (please see General Weblinks for background information).

3. List at least 5 key points in support of the issue. Provide additional information on each point using subheadings.

4. List at least 5 key points opposing the issue. Provide additional information on each point using subheadings.

IMPORTANT: Do not merely paraphrase or copy and paste the points made from websites. The idea is for YOU to consider each point and list what YOU think are the main arguments.

5. Complete the Assessment 1 Points of Debate Questionnaire (located in this folder). Make sure to be critical and reflective in your position before your research and after your research. For example, if your position has changed, state why; if your position has not changed, state why; if your position has only become stronger, state why; if you have become more neutral, state why etc.


Topic comprehension
Accurate overview of the issue (covering both sides)
Originality (i.e. not just copied) and depth (i.e. level of detail in sub-points) of overview
Quality of Questionnaire answers (depth and demonstration of critical thinking)
Writing (e.g. spelling grammar) & referencing
Minimum References: 10

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