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CRM and Customer Services: What makes In-N-Out so successful?


Objective: Design a marketing plan that will demonstrate entrepreneurial approaches to formulating product, price, promotion and distribution strategies and action programs..

Introduction: Defining the market process allows smaller business to develop a growth strategy while adhering to their core strengths with a special emphasis upon superior customer focus. Customer focused marketing is all about delivering customers a great product and an exceptional experience.


Minimum 2-3-page paper
Activity Details

Step 1:

Introduction and Preliminary Research

Research Lesson Readings as well as external resources from the Cline Library http://library.nau.edu/ and/or the Internet, books, journals, etc. about defining the market process and customer focused marketing strategy.

Write an introductory paragraph about defining the market strategy process with a statement about customer focused marketing.

Read the case study located in the eText in the External Tools area: Essay

Nicher Allegiant Air: Going Where They Aint from Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2013). Marketing: An Introduction (11th ed., pp. 51-52). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Step 2:

Read the following case study material located in the eText in the External Tools area: Assignment 5.1.

In-N-Out Burger: The Power of Customer Delight from Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2013). Marketing: An Introduction (11th ed., pp. 15-16). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Write a 2-3-page paper that:

Describes the approach In-N-Out takes with its customers.
Answer if this is the norm for the market they are in?
What makes In-N-Out so successful?
Answer if this strategy could be applied for other small business ventures?
Step 3:

For the conclusion paragraph summarize what you have learned about the In-N-Out customer focused strategy and how it could be applied in small business.

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