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Describe ways in which the processes of depth perception help you to engage in everyday activities, such as driving a car or preparing a meal. You can select other activities.

  1. Healthcare professionals often work rotating shifts. In your own words, why is this problematic? What are the psychological, social, and physiological challenges related to rotating shifts? Consider sleep deprivation, high levels of stress, or side effects from medication in your response.
  2. Imagine that you have a big midterm exam at the end of the week. In your own words, describe the three types of memory storage and which study techniques you would use and why. Explain the connection between the types of memory and the study techniques you chose.
  3. Select one of the drugs discussed in your lesson. In your own words, discuss the controversial issues related to the drug and why these discussions are important in the field of psychology.  Be sure to support your position.
  4. In your own words, describe ways in which the processes of depth perception help you to engage in everyday activities, such as driving a car or preparing a meal. You can select other activities.
  5. Select one of the senses to discuss. In your own words, describe what your life would be like if that particular sense was not available to you.  How would you use other senses to compensate for the loss?    Include your thoughts about how culture affects the way individuals with sensory impairments, such as visual and hearing impairments, are viewed and treated.
  6. In the previous chapter you learned about the inaccuracy of memory. Consider an event in which you initially thought you were correct and later learned that your memory was not accurate about what unfolded, such as an accident. Then, think about how your senses and perception might have played an important role in your account. Review the motorcade incident for a refresher.


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