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Critical Reflective Statement: How can you demonstrate to a future employer that you have acquired the necessary skills and competencies for your chosen career?

A critical reflective statement on your experience on your participation in the business simulation game. You must adopt the Gibbs’ reflective cycle model (please see upload).
Your reflection should draw on relevant theoretical standpoints, research, or established professional practice in ways that demonstrate how these have helped understanding; where relevant, it relates to the particular incident to broader social and political issues.
This comprises TWO AREAS:
1. All students must answer the following set of non-stream specific questions in their reflective statement (app 600 words):
Your answers should apply to the overall PDP in the context of both your academic programme and any extra-curricular achievements, and needs to be linked to establishing the core skills necessary for your projected career.
Answer the questions in essay style, do not use bullet points or lists. Each answer should be a minimum of 200 words.
a) What transferable skills have you acquired whilst undertaking your course and the Professional Development Programme, and how have you applied them through the duration of your studies?
b) What transferable skills do you still need to develop further, and how do you intend to do this as you transition into work?
c) How can you demonstrate to a future employer that you have acquired the necessary skills and competencies for your chosen career?

2. All students must also include reflection upon their participation in their chosen stream (business simulation game) (remaining app. 900 words):
The Business Simulation Reflective Report must provide a detailed analysis of the skills set that you developed specifically during the simulation in which you participated.
a. Using your personal perspective, briefly summarise what for you were the key learning outcomes of the business simulation, using examples of the activities completed as part of the exercise.
b. If different from the above, please reflect on the following areas of potential development while undertaking the simulation: Problem solving, Decision Making, Effective communication, Positive/Professional attitude, Organisation & Planning.
c. Define the skills you developed in terms of what you can now do differently. Explain how these skills can be demonstrated in the workplace, for example, someone with good team work skills would show an ability to support other team members.
d. How do you think you can use the skills developed in your Business Simulation to make a positive impact in your first post-course working role?

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