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How does this material both use stereotypes and respond/react to stereotyping? Consider the lyrics and visual presentation carefully.

In Chapter 1, of American Popular Music 5th edition Starr and Water man mention that “popular music in America has from the very beginning been closely tied up with stereotypes, convenient ways of organizing people into categories.” With this in mind, consider the following songs and video:

“Gangsta’s Paradise” (Links to an external site.) by Coolio
“Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys (Links to an external site.)” originally recorded by Ed Bruce and famously covered by Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings
The complete video (Part 1 (Links to an external site.) and Part 2 (Links to an external site.)) of “Bad” by Michael Jackson (directed by Martin Scorsese) (note: this version includes an extended section shot in black and white before the “song” begins)
How does this material both use stereotypes and respond/react to stereotyping? Consider the lyrics and visual presentation carefully.

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