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Early Childhood Education -Develop a personal play pedagogy

Essay: Develop a personal ‘play’ pedagogy (1500 words)
Drawing on theoretical perspectives, policy frameworks in early childhood education and care, together with scholarly literature, write a 1500-word essay discussing:
• the importance of play and learning
• how you would reflect the Principles and Practices of the National Early Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009) as part of your teaching pedagogy in planning a play-based educational program for children aged 2 to 5 years
• relationships, intentional scaffolding and how you would engage with children in play through opportunities you could create for co-playing skills, the different roles you would take and when and why children’s choices in play might be challenged
(Sub-headings can be used within the essay)
Assessment Criteria:
• presents as a personal ‘play’ pedagogy in relation to intended practice planning a play-based educational program and reflects theoretical and research perspectives re importance and value of play and learning within an early childhood education and care context
• EYLF Principles and Practices underpinning current learning and development policy frameworks in early childhood education and care guide the play pedagogy
• relationships, intentional scaffolding and how student would engage with children in play through opportunities for co-playing skills through different roles are discussed and include how, when and why children’s choices in play might be challenged
• layout is logically organised; written with clarity, correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
• essay critically evaluates scholarly literature with appropriateness of quoting, paraphrasing and citing references in text (APA6) with a list of references attached in correct (APA6) format
• It’s important to reflect on the principles and practices of the EYLF and how they apply in developing a play pedagogy.
• The criteria refers to it as being a personal play pedagogy, so you can use ‘I’ statements within the essay to depict it’s from your own personal perspective.
• Think about their relationship in planning a play-based curriculum. What might you discuss in relation to their significance and your role working with young children?
• Quality essays include strong introductions with the body of your work addressing criteria and also a conclusion summing up. Scholarly references will need to support your discussion and help get your points across.

SUPPORT for completing task:
• Watch ‘Flipping your Lid’. This video relates to how you can redirect some children who need emotional support to calm down when playing with others (video provided)
• The play may be getting too challenging, over exciting or frustrating for the child. They may have sensory overload. Children can become over stimulated and need a retreat space provided or a gentle educator who supports them to get their emotions back in balance etc. This can relate to how you might challenge a child’s choices in play.
• ‘Tuned in’ educators might say “I can see you are getting angry or frustrated – come with me and I will help you to calm down….. ” “We can read a book together….”
• Super-hero play might be where you decide to redirect but not ban the play. Vivien Paley writes about this topic. If interested, source her publications in the library. Skilful educators might re direct play by asking “What does Superman eat?” “Let’s go and make some pretend super food” or might ask the child if they can build the type of house that superman might live in?
• There may be children who need gentle encouragement and support to persevere with challenges. e.g. climbing higher or balancing on a plank with gentle guidance and a hand to hold.
• Rather than the child avoiding some experiences and not trying them, think of ways to support them. This is intentional scaffolding.
• There could be children who avoid messy sensory experiences through fears of soiling clothes or from parental concerns.
• How might you challenge their choices in play if you notice they avoid such experiences.?
• How will you ensure all children have opportunities for a wide range of experiences? What connections can you see to some of these questions in relation to the principles and practice of the EYLF?

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