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Public Law: The decision in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 evidences that the rule of law is alive and well in Great Britain. Discuss.

Public Law

1. Question

The decision in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 evidences that the rule of law is alive and well in Great Britain. Discuss.

2. Assessment Outcome: 1500 words

Learning Outcomes assessed:
LO1: Identify the key institutions of the State and the interaction between them
LO2: Discuss key concepts and constitutional theories of law with reference to case law and statute
LO3: Identify and discuss proposals for reform of constitutional law
LO4: Develop legal research and academic writing skills
What to submit: A single Word or PDF document containing your essay and reference list

3. Marking Notes
relation to the given assessment, this means that you will be expected to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of: the UK constitution, the roles and powers of the institutions of state, the rule of law, the role of the Judiciary in protecting the rule of law and upholding the separation of powers, Parliamentary Sovereignty, the Executive use of prerogative power.
2. Evidence that you have gained understanding of the above topics through engagement with a breadth of relevant legal academic reading materials.
In relation to the given assessment, this means that you will be expected to:
1. Use the above knowledge and understanding to form a coherent and well-rounded discussion, which considers different theories on the rule of law, as well as different academic positions on the constitutional issues discussed.
2. Use the reading that you have engaged with to support and further your own deductions when discussing the key issues raised.
In relation to the given assessment, this means that you will be expected to:
1. Write clearly and in an appropriately formal academic manner, ensuring that you conform to Standard English in terms of spelling, syntax and grammar.
2. Demonstrate an ability to correctly cite references according to academic, legal conventions (using the MHRA referencing system and other referencing guidance given to you on the module).

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