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Theory of International Relations: “Describe a theory of international relations. What does this theory tell us about relations between states in world affairs?”

“Describe a theory of international relations. What does this theory tell us about relations between states in world affairs?” 500 words

Please write on Marxism.
For this task you are required to utilise at least two other scholarly/academic sources in addition to the prescribed textbook is INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: PERSPECTIVES, CONNECTIONS AND ENDURING QUESTIONS. 2nd edition.
AUTHOR: Grieco, J.M. Ikenberry, G.J. Mastanduni, M.
Publication date: 20019
If you cannot access the book, please notify me asap to provide a copy of the chapter.

These traditions provide explanations for a number of aspects of the humanities. Remember that your explanations are to be solely focused on how they apply to an explanation of International Relations. How this theory matters in international relations and which actors have agency in the international system.
All ideas, evidence and examples from your sources must be cited using the APA referencing system (preferably paraphrasing rather than quoting).

Criteria –
– Clearly defined and justified approach, demonstrating perceptive awareness of the theories
– Evidence of breadth and quality of research, with highly relevant and authoritative sources, full compliance with requirements. Very effectively integrated use of highly relevant sources and sufficient evidence with clear links
– Clear and rigorous logic, clear and coherent development of a high quality argument
– Use of own words throughout, high quality paraphrasing
– Clear and logical structure with distinct introduction, body and conclusion, efficient delivery of material, clear and elegant, well ’signposted’, no repetition
– Complete compliance with referencing style and due acknowledgement of sources and ideas (APA referencing)
– Fluent, literate, clear and elegant with no or very few grammatical or spelling errors

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