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Women challenges in contemporary media: the case of Kuwait


Page number

1. Statement of aims (ca. 100 words)
2. Literature review (up to 1,000 words)
2.1 Background and research context
2.2 Review of similar research studies
2.3 Description of gaps in research literature
2.4 Importance and contribution of proposed research

3. Research outline (up to 1,000 words)
3.1 Research design
3.2 Data description
3.3 Confidentiality and ethical consideration
3.4 Methods and choice of analysis
3.5 Expected outcomes

4. Provisional timetable for proposed research (ca. 300 words)
5. Resource needs and funding (ca. 200 words)
6. Research progress (up to 1,000 words)

Brief description of work done so far, e.g. brief reference to literature review, any draft chapters, etc.

7. Outline of researcher development activities (ca. 200 words)

7.1 Prior qualifications and training
7.2 Subject-specific training
7.3 Seminars and conferences attended
7.4 Presentations

8. Conclusion
9. References


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