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Has social media forced young people to create a false self-image to present to their peers?

ASSIGNMENT Has social media forced young people to create a false self-image to present to their peers?Discuss. Write a response of approximately 500 (+ or – 10%) words. Refer to relevant communication theories, communication forms, and communication factors. Refer to 3 reliable, independently researched sources and correctly reference them. Use formal english

Keep track of local, state, and national news about crime and criminal courts. Find and read at least 5 articles per day.

News Logging Keep track of local, state, and national news about crime and criminal courts. Find and read at least 5 articles per day. Pay attention to the language used to describe criminals/prisoners and police/government. In a minimum 5-page essay with 10 sources, detail how the news media constructs prisoners/criminals and police/government and compare and […]

After you have selected your news story, then find the same news story reported from TWO other news sources

The Rise in Electric Vehicles Sales Select a timely media news story (must be published AFTER January 1, 2023) of personal interest to you. Partial or biased news is any news story or report that seems to be lacking key important facts, statistics, and/or reliable, verifiable evidence to support the writer’s claims. Instead, the story […]

Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question.

ASSIGNMENT Pick a court case that involves social media and research it. Then answer the following questions: What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case. Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question. Do you think the case violated any laws? Explain why or why […]

Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question.

ASSIGNMENT The last week in our course covers legal and ethical issues in social media. Pick a court case that involves social media and research it. Then answer the following questions: What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case. Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought […]

Describe the results of the research and how they conducted it. Do the results support the author(s) claims?

ASSIGNMENT Select a scholarly article on social media and education from one of the APUS Library databases.Make sure you are choosing a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal. Write a short paper, 300-500 words in length, in which you: Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1 paragraph) Identify the purpose of the research and describe the claims […]

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