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Analyze how well this work of fiction conforms to the plot type it was chosen to represent. Is the story a perfect example? Is the story more than just an example of this plot type because of the way it develops character or symbolism? Does the story contain elements of other types of plots?

What am I doing? (Example Assignment Attached)

For this assignment, you will review a selection of different types of plots. You should be able to describe the general expectations or actions contained in a number of these plot types. You should also examine a list of plot devices which are used to make these plots effective.
You will choose a movie, TV show, short story, written drama or novel with the purpose of finding an example that represents one of the types of plots.

For this evidence activity, you will:

-Review the list of 20 plot types
-Select one plot type from the list
-Find one representative example of written or recorded (movies or TV) fiction for the selected plot type. Use a text that you know well
-Write a short explication ( aprox. 350-400 words )
The explication will:
Identify the plot type and explain the main features of that plot type (in your own words) explain how the work of fiction fits the plot type. Only use plot details when needed to show the connection between the specific work of fiction and the plot type. Do not summarize the entire plot!
Analyze how well this work of fiction conforms to the plot type it was chosen to represent. Is the story a perfect example? Is the story more than just an example of this plot type because of the way it develops character or symbolism? Does the story contain elements of other types of plots?
include at least one plot device. See the link above.

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