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Write Market Opportunity of camera security and motion detector for the Aged Care Sector in Australia?  

The Aged Care Sector

1-First requitement (Market Opportunity)

Can you please write Market Opportunity of camera security and motion detector for the Aged Care Sector in Australia?

Marking Guide:

Market Opportunity:

·         Description of the primary market that a potential solution will address with a valid justification for this decision

·         Identification of any secondary market

·         Details on the market (size, competitors, maturity etc) at a high level

·         As a guide the report should be about 1-3 pages no more than 3 Including references and appendices



2- second requirement (Potential Solutions)

you will find in the document 6 unique ideas, I choose 4 ideas such as Adequate staffing, Stair Lift Chairs, Security camera and motion detector camera. Also, you should justify your choice of brainstorming technique and i choose Security camera and motion detector camera.

Potential solutions – a brief description of the brainstorming technique your group used to discover potential solutions and a representation of the current potential solutions.  You should justify your choice of brainstorming technique. Depending on the brainstorming technique chosen, this may be a mind map, a list of products, drawing etc.  These should be high level descriptions (not detailed) and we are looking for at least four separate ideas.

Marking Guide:

Potential Solutions

·         A clear description of the technique used for brainstorming and a justification for selecting this technique

·         Output from brainstorming activities are clearly presented in a suitable format

·         At least four unique ideas are represented

·         As a guide the report should be about 1-2 pages no more than 3 Including references and appendices

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