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Literature Review: Women Discrimination in the work place

Analysis and Recommendations
For this assignment, the third component of your final project, integrate the results of your literature review to complete an analysis of the problem and the groups or populations affected by the problem. Evaluate high-quality, peer-reviewed, and relevant public service research to critically examine the groups or populations. It is important to consider multicultural perspectives in your examination and in the selection of sources you use to support your analysis.
In your assignment, be sure to address the following critical elements that align with the grading criteria:
• Explain solutions to the problem and the impact of each solution on the public service organization and organizational policies and practices.
• Identify and discuss the impacts of diversity, ethics, and cultural competency on the decision-making process related to your selected problem.
• Evaluate the aspects of effective communication styles as applied to individual and group collaboration.
• Evaluate the concepts of collaborative and communication techniques that have affected the development of relationships, partnerships, and alliances.

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