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Identify the ethical issue or problem. How should it be resolved? List the facts that have the most bearing on the decision of how to resolve this problem.

Business Law Case- Making ethical decisions

Fact Scenario: Richard and Conway are talking in the hallway about the employee benefits program. Conway, who has had some recent financial trouble, explains to Richard how the benefits program has a loophole that will allow him to receive some financial assistance that he really needs to help pay health care costs for his mother. Richard’s mother has a rare blood disorder and he could use the assistance for her health care expenses. Conway merely discusses the loophole with Richard but does not encourage him to take advantage of it. Richard explains that the loophole is not illegal. Cathy, a fellow worker, overhears the conversation. Later, Cathy is approached by her supervisor who says he heard a rumor that some people were taking advantage of the company benefits program. Although she does not really like Richard or Conway, Cathy says nothing in response to being approached by her employer. At the same time, she is angry at her employer and the substandard dental benefits plan for covering the cost of braces for her son. As a result, she had to seek a second job. She has no intention of taking advantage of the loophole mentioned by Conway, but knows for a fact that several employees plan on doing so.

Based on the Fact Scenario above, follow these steps for Making Ethical Decisions
Identify the ethical issue or problem. How should it be resolved?
List the facts that have the most bearing on the decision of how to resolve this problem.
Identify anyone who might be affected by your decision and how.
Explain what each affected person would want you to do about the issue.
For Cathy, list two alternative actions and identify the best and worst case scenario for each alternative, anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and how), any values that would be compromised by selecting this alternative, and any automatic reasons why this alternative should not be selected (legal issues, rules, etc.).
Determine a course of action for two of the 5 stakeholders: Cathy, Richard, Conway, the supervisor, The company.

Please thoroughly discuss each step above. A simple one word answer or one sentence response will not receive a favorable grade. Be specific when you list alternative actions, best and worst case scenarios, courses of action, etc.

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