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Identify ethical dimensions of practice and apply appropriate professional values and ethical practice standards according to the AASW Code of Ethics to their own and others’ practice in the placement context.




Unsatisfactory Satisfactory – 400 hours Satisfactory: 500 hours
1. Critically reflect on their own and others’ practice of social work and apply these insights to improve their practice Student does not provide adequate information for the academic to determine their learning.  The student does not discuss their performance or ways to improve their performance. Observations about the agency social work practice are limited on do not occur Student outlines their learning from Assessment A in a cohesive and logically formed outline. Comments on their practice in relation to the standards. Reflects on ways to improve their practice (which can be considered in placement two).


Student outlines their learning from Assessment A in a cohesive and logically formed outline. Comments on their practice in relation to the standards. Reflects on ways to improve their practice (which can be considered in placement two). Reflections contain good critique of their practice



Prakash spoke how social work is about promoting social change. Social change for Prakash means the ways in which we interact with people and utilising the human behaviours and the theories that she has learnt. She has reflected on how her biases impacts her practice. She provided an example which includes a little boy sleeping in the car. A notification made to FACS, and after investigation the boy had a bed that was shaped in a car. Big learning curve – not to judge and have biases, understanding the fundamental practices of social work.

Respect for persons – respecting the person at all times, being culturally respectfully to all persons. Self-determination has been a barrier in her practice due to client’s having their own voice and making their own decisions. Respect for persons is also about being empathic and questioning respectfully what the client is expressing. Professional integrity – component of practice, values and ethics, culturally responsive and inclusive of practices. Appropriate communications to clients. Self-awareness of her own biases, honesty and openness and being able to relate to all cultures with respect. Being professional and accountable for all of her actions. Needs to be aware of her professional boundaries and consults with her manager when these concerns occur.

Prakash during your presentation, you discussed your practice in relation to the social work standards and gave very few examples in your critique of your practice especially in areas for development. Some additional feedback, but not a deficit, is to refresh and remind yourself to be cognisant of academic knowledge and to address these personal biases.

Part of our role is to assess your ability to critically reflect, and unfortunately we assessed this section as being unsatisfactory.

2.        Apply learning from research and theory to the practice context and use their experiences of practice to critique research and theoretical understanding;


The student provides only minimal reference to formal knowledge and does not provide any examples of how theory is or has been applied in their practice. The student illustrates in the presentation how they are using formal knowledge e.g. child development, to understand their previous practice. The student provides at least one example of how theory is informing their thinking about practice. The student illustrates in the presentation how they are using formal knowledge e.g. child development, to understand their previous practice. The student provides a number of appropriate examples of how theory is informing their thinking about practice.

Prakash’s reference to her formal knowledge of theories was minimal as these concepts were explained based on reflection of examples. Both Carla and I prompted for a reflection in this section.

Prakash discussed the following concepts:

  • Strengths based – identifying the strengths: mother loves the child and ways to strengthen it further and empower her. Creating the resources for the client.
  • Person centred – what is important for the client. Gave example of a FACS interview and how they can negotiate an outcome that benefits both the agency and the client.

Based on the marking rubric, there was minimal reference to formal knowledge and no specific examples of how theory is applied in your practice. Unfortunately, we assessed this section as being unsatisfactory.

3.        Identify ethical dimensions of practice and apply appropriate professional values and ethical practice standards according to the AASW Code of Ethics to their own and others’ practice in the placement context;


The student does not make any reference to social work values or the code of ethics in the presentation. No example is provided. The student makes reference to social work values and the code of ethics in the presentation. The student makes reference to social work values and the code of ethics in the presentation and provides a minimum of one example of an ethical issue.

Prakash provided an ethical dilemma after being prompted for an example.

Example: Shared an experience of having a client with a mental illness who expressed suicidal ideation. Client asked for this to be kept secret however Prakash knew to undertake duty of care. Mentioned Professional Integrity (professionalism, culturally responsive and knowledgeable practice, communication) and respect for persons, however, there was minimal reflection to the ethical dilemma.

Prakash, there was limited formal knowledge provided in this section and more reflection of how our social work values and ethics impacts on this ethical dilemma example would have been beneficial.

Based on the marking rubric, there was no reflection on your understanding of what an ethical dilemma is, there was minimal discussion in relation to the AASW Code of Ethics. We unfortunately assessed this section as being unsatisfactory.

4. Recognizes the need to establish a professional identity



The student’s illustration of the social work role is not clear OR is not consistent with a social work role.  The student is able to illustrate in the presentation qualities of a social work professional.


The student is able to illustrate in the presentation qualities of a social work professional.

The student is able to provide examples of how they are developing a social work identity.


Prakash you discussed the importance of supervision, continuing professional development, being accountable and implementing self-care. There was also mention of the idea of professional boundaries and balancing this with building rapport, the importance of informed consent and confidentiality.

Prakash, there were minimal reflections provided in relation to this section of the marking rubric that was not clear of your understanding of the social work role. We have assessed this section as being unsatisfactory.


Prakash, we thank you for taking the time in providing us your verbal presentation for Part B of the PPA strand. We enjoyed hearing how you are building on your self-awareness in your learning journey. Part of our role is to assess your whole presentation in accordance to marking rubric. Based on your answers you have received an Unsatisfactory Grade. We recommend you would benefit in undertaking an additional assessment as stipulated in your subject outline.

Your additional assessment will need to contain information based on all areas of the marking rubric. You must provide a maximum of 500 words answering all sections of the marking rubric and submit to your Subject Coordinator .

If you have any further questions regarding this additional assessment please liaise with your Subject Coordinator.

Thank you for your time and we wish you all the best on your social work journey.




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