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Provide arguments and evidence to show why supporting greater use of the same sub-variety of English in the schools and media in the country in which it has emerged would be appropriate, examining pros and cons involved.

Part A 30%

Choose a non-acrolect sub-variety of English from one of the ‘inner’, ‘outer’ or ‘expanding circle’
countries, not limited by the varieties discussed in the lectures. [MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND ‘NON-ACROLECT’]

Explain briefly how the sub-variety emerged.

Locate suitable readings to help you and describe typical features in the following four categories: phonology, lexis, grammar and pragmatics.

Part B 20%

Provide arguments and evidence to show why supporting greater use of the same sub-variety of English in the schools and media in the country in which it has emerged would be appropriate, examining pros and cons involved.


Suggested word count approximately 3000 words.

Part A 1800 words approx

Part B 1200 words approx

Please include a word count at the end of each part of the assessment


REFERENCES: Each answer needs to include at least 10 references (in-text and end-text) using the APA 6th referencing system. You can start with the references I provide but don’t limit yourselves.

AUTHENTICITY: Use quotations VERY SPARINGLY.  Use paraphrases and summaries, written in your own words, of ideas from academic sources and combine these with your own arguments and ideas on the topics.

Try to include a lot of practical/contextualized examples and illustrations from movies, newspapers or any written/spoken texts.




You can read file (1) to understand the instruction, then (2) for the marking criteria.

(3) is a sample answer, from which you can paraphrase partly; however, avoid being influenced too much by it. The references in this sample can be of great use as well.

If there are concepts you don’t understand from file (3), read (4) because it covers most of the necessary concepts as well as setting a solid foundation for the paper.

Files (5) to (13) are sources which I think are relevant to the paper and hopefully you can include them, along with others of your independent research.


I need to achieve at least 42/50 (84%). Please read the Marking Criteria carefully. Strategically, I hope we can achieve the following scores


Part A

Breadth & depth of understanding of the issues:

  • Emergence of the sub-variety
  • Phonology, lexis, grammar, and pragmatics

Referencing and Presentation (organisation, appropriate style of expression, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation)










Part B

Breadth & depth of understanding of the issues:

  • Arguments
  • Evidence
  • Balance of pros & cons

Referencing and Presentation (organisation, appropriate style of expression, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation)











Total Marks




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