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Potential Complexities of Homicide: Analyze the role of the community in the multi-agency investigation homicide investigation.

Required Data:

1] Paper: an Abstract paragraph
2] Paper: an Introduction paragraph
3] Paper: an Summary paragraph

Research an example of a multi-agency response to a homicide with community involvement in some facet of the response or investigation. Using your researched homicide;
4] Summarize the multi-agency homicide investigation
5] Describe the role of the agencies involved in the investigation, based on applicable rules and procedures.
6] Analyze the role of the community in the multi-agency investigation homicide investigation.
7] Determine two best practices that could be utilized in future multi-agency homicide investigations.
8] References, if possible please use and cite “Lyman, M. D. (2017). Criminal investigation: The art and science (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.

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