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According to Freud, dreams are “the royal road to the unconscious.” What did he mean by this? Explain and include in your response a discussion of dream analysis.

For this post, you must answer these prompts sufficiently and with detailed support from the textbook: APA style

According to Freud, dreams are “the royal road to the unconscious.” What did he mean by this? Explain and include in your response a discussion of dream analysis. Distinguish between the manifest content of a dream and the latent content of a dream. Likewise, address the interpretation of dream symbols. Explain.
Next, discuss, in your own words/analysis, the functions of dreams. Provide an example of one of your own recent dreams to illustrate and support your views on the functions of dreams.
Do not forget to apply textbook support with proper APA in-text citations
(EBOOK) https://www.dropbox.com/s/leuxco00yxgtvde/Personality%20Psychology_%20Domains%20-%20Randy%20Larsen%20%281%29.pdf?dl=0

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