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Helen Keller prompt: Critique how well the director of the movie conveys the miracle of language and learning as expressed by Keller in her own writing (the text).

Essay Assignment: Literary/Film Critique

You are to write a Literary Critique of 3-4 pages. This paper does not require outside research, although you must cite your text and the video as appropriate. The essay requires an understanding and analysis of literary elements, including (but not limited to) characterization, point of view, narrative structure, plot, situation/setting, theme, and symbolism. You may also critique the techniques the director uses to represent the original author’s words. These might include lighting, use of color (or B&W), arrangement of people/objects in a shot or on stage, framing/ frame within a frame, camera angles and shot placement, camera movement, use of voice-over and use of flashback. When using film techniques, try to align them with literary terms. For example, a certain arrangement of characters in a scene may reflect characterization.

Use current MLA format for documentation, and include a Works Cited page.

The essay must be electronically submitted for grading by using the Dropbox in D2L. You will not receive a grade until it is properly submitted to the D2L dropbox. No electronic submission results in a 0% for the essay. A printed copy of your essay is not required, but permissible if you want more detailed feedback. Your hard copy must be identical to the one in the Dropbox, however.

Choose one of the following prompts for your Literary Critique:

  1. Helen Keller prompt

Critique how well the director of the movie conveys the miracle of language and learning as expressed by Keller in her own writing (the text). This critique should reference both the excerpt from Helen Keller’s autobiography, titled “The Day Language Came into My Life” in your text, AND the video, The Miracle Worker, which we have viewed in class. Please critique the video, but make reference to the writing. Refer to literary elements as appropriate, possibly focusing on character, theme or symbolism, and possibly aligning them with specific film techniques the director employs.

Here is the MLA citation for the video (LBH p.676/LBcH p. 492):

Gibson, William. The Miracle Worker.1962. Directed by Arthur Penn, performances by Ann Bancroft and Patty Duke, MGM Video, 2001.

Don’t forget to include the citation for the excerpt in your Encounters book also!


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